Annex 1


Lowfield Green Sufficiency Exercise June 2021





There are currently 23 providers within a 1 mile radius of the Lowfield Development, postcode YO24 3DD

(by foot or by car and using google maps).


14 Childminders

4 School Nurseries

3 Pre-school playgroups

2 Day Nurseries


To date summer term 2021 occupancy data for providers within this 1 mile radius has been provided by 3 childminders and all of the school nurseries, pre-school playgroups and day nurseries and the data provided below is based on this summer term 2021 occupancy data.




When looking at capacity of early years providers, due to the nature of take up of early years places and the flexibility often demanded by families, it is usual to consider provider with occupancy levels above 80% as being at capacity and hence with limited availability. It is also necessary to ensure that ideally there is a range of provision available to meet differing family needs i.e. sessional care, full day care, term time only provision and provision which is open across the whole year.

The above data therefore suggests that there almost no availability of places for under 2s, very limited availability for 2 – under 3s and limited availability of places for 3 – under 5s. 

It is anticipated that the housing development could yield approximately 16 early years places therefore it is likely that additional places are likely to be required to meet the additional demand created by the housing development.